
Monday, August 29, 2016

A Day in the Life

I always love getting a glimpse of other bloggers' days so I figured I would document this past Friday for those of you who are interested...(sorry it's mostly of two kiddos)!

I HAD to document this..Ben slept for 5 hours for the first time! 

First feeding of the day done. 5 oz down, burped and already passed out again.

OK, now Momma isn't happy. I got spoiled with Ben sleeping for 5 hours and silly me, I thought he would sleep until morning with that much food in his belly. NOPE. Back to bed at 6:00 AM.

Slept in till 7:45 AM--HALLELUJAH! Time to jump in the shower before the babies wake up.

Annnnd they're awake when I get out of the shower. This booger is all smiles!

 Time to move into the living room to eat breakfast.
 The nightmare that is our living room.
Ben's, Luke's and Mommy's.
Yep. He woke up like he got his shirt like that? No idea.

 Selfie time!
 Taking it easy on the couch.
 Watching Baby Einstein while Mommy gets ready. Pack 'N Plays are so versatile :)
Dressed and ready to go to my postpartum check up. (ignore the dirty mirror)
Both boys dressed and ready to go to BeBe's house!
Still waiting...
Since the boys were in good hands with BeBe, David and I met up and went to Chuy's for lunch! The clouds were rolling in and it looked like a downpour was headed our way...(it totally was)
Waiting to be seated.
Finally got something I have been craving for 9 months now... Chuy's Texas Martini (shout out to my girl Kalyn for introducing me to these!)
 Have the boys loaded up in the car and headed home.
 Gotta stop by Starbs and get Momma some juice to keep me going ;)
 Cleaned the kitchen - LOVE an empty sink.
 While I cleaned the kitchen, David picked up the living room and vacuumed. He's a keeper, y'all!
 This little guy just sleeps the afternoons away!
Worked on this blog post and a little something more. Stay tuned....
 Time for the first Dragon football game!
It was Ben's first football game and he slept the whole time in our Ergobaby 360. Love this thing!
 Gorgeous sunset
He's still sleeping :)
Luke and his G Daddy
The Emerald Belles and Carroll Dragon Marching Band! Go Aunt Mel :)
 We left the game after halftime and got the boys ready for bed. Ben was NOT happy about taking a bath.
 Watching some Modern Family while the babies finish their bottles.
 Finally asleep (for a few hours)
One last check of the monitor and then it's lights out. Good night! :)

Friday, August 26, 2016

21 Day Fix

Ok, y'all. I am gearing up for my first REAL round of 21 Day Fix.

I attempted to eat by the guidelines for 21 Day Fix at the beginning of August and did pretty well for the first week and a half but once I started seeing results, I started slacking.

I have less than four months to be able to fit in a bridesmaid dress and I'm ready to feel better about my "new mom" body.

I'm already preparing to have a few days in the 21 days I will be doing this to "slack off" thanks to football season (hello, tailgating!) gearing back up next week! This just means it will be more of a 26 Day Fix ;). I will still try my best to eat healthy but I won't beat myself up if I end up straying a bit.

I am posting this so I can keep myself accountable. I am planning on doing updates each week with progress and a recipe I have tried.

If anyone is interested in joining in on the fun, I would love to chat with you! I have purchased 21 Day Fix from Beachbody but honestly, you don't need to buy it in order to eat well. All the guidelines can be found if you just search "21 Day Fix" on Pinterest and on my 21 Day Fix board.

In regard to the workouts, I haven't been able to find the official 21 Day Fix workouts online (for free). I have debated even doing them, but instead following the Tone It Up workouts. They are usually pretty great and they have a weekly schedule all set out for you. You can find it here.

My goals for the first week on 21 Day Fix:
1. Drink lots of water!
2. Keep up with the workouts
3. Try 2 new recipes
4. Lose 3 lbs :)

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

S'mores Obsession

Since the 3rd trimester with Ben, I have been on a s'mores kick.

I just can't get enough of them! I guess its probably because summertime just has that effect on me. Or maybe because everyone out there is on the s'mores kick with me.

Oh, Mama! On my birthday, I went straight to my beloved Starbucks and ordered the S'Mores frappuchino. It is HEAVEN.

These s'mores bars from Starbs also look so stinking good, but I just can't bring myself to order them. I'm working on getting my pre-baby bod back and I would rather spend my calories on caffeine because Mama isn't getting the sleep she so desperately needs/wants.

Has anyone tried these bars and are they worth it?

 As an attempt to be good about eating healthy, I purchased the Project 7 S'mores Gourmet Gum. While it does have the flavors of toasted marshmallows and chocolate with graham crackers, it had a super artificial flavor to it (duh... its not the real food) and just left me wanting the real thing even more.

 Last night, I decided to give into temptation and just eat a dang s'more. Life is too short, right? After chasing a 14 month old around and pulling him off of the raised fireplace 284,749,823 times, throw in a 6 week old going through a growth spurt and eating every 2 hours, it was necessary.

I gathered my supplies and then an idea hit: kick it up a notch. With peanut butter.

Y'all. It ended up being a beautiful thing. Run, don't walk, to your pantry (I accidently typed panty at first, hehe) or your nearest grocery store and pick up your s'mores supplies. Try it this way and let me know what you think!

The next time I have a good excuse to make a dessert - anyone want to come over for dinner soon? - I want to make this s'mores dessert I saw on Pinterest. Hello, googly eyes!

What ways do you kick up your s'mores game?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday

Some of the blogs I follow have "Show and Tell Tuesdays" and I thought I would join in on the fun. This week's topic is "Tell us advice you would give your high school self". I thought the best way would be to write it in the form of a letter.

Dear High School Jordan,

It's Jordan from 10 years in the future. Right now you are in the first week of your senior year-- Spoiler Alert-- its a pretty darn good year. You will get to make new friends, strengthen friendships that will last throughout college and adult years, and begin a relationship that will change your life.

Looking back, I honestly can't remember what I learned about in classes, though I'm sure it was important, here are the things I can remember.

1. Marching Band. It was time consuming, hard work, and took place in the heat. More than that though, it was full of laughter, flirting with boys (sorry, Mom), and learning great life lessons. I learned about teamwork, prioritizing time with school, homework, practice and other activities. Enjoy the time with your friends, sister, and all the football games you get to attend! Go Dragons! :)

2. Yearbook. Oh man, you pretty much joined this on a whim and you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. It was supposed to be "Photojournalism" thinking you would just learn about photography and cameras. NOPE. Thankfully, you had two great friends in there that helped you survive. The great things from being in this class is you were able to put names with faces when compiling the yearbook and meeting people you never would have had a chance to. Enjoy ALL of those everything bagels and cream cheese Mrs. Rose would bring to class. Don't spend half an hour crying over a deadline. Just get in there and get it done. So you had to stay after school a few times, it was preparing you for the extra hours you would have to put in for your capstone courses, grad school and ALL the deadlines you would have to deal with as a commercial real estate appraiser.
#twins #everyonegotusmixedup
3. Girlfriends. Some of these girls continue to impact your life. Just driving around town and blasting your mixed CD's (btw, these are so 2007) and singing along are some of my favorite memories. Walking around Town Square, drinking Starbucks and hanging out by the fountain, dancing together at banquets and prom, being silly and crazy and not having to worry about who is watching. Enjoy this time, take lots of pictures and don't take this time for granted.

5. Boyfriends. We all know you have been boy crazy since Kindergarten, and you have had a few boyfriends along the way. Your senior year you will have two boyfriends... You will get dumped. Cry about it for a bit, then forget about it. God sends you someone that will change your life. He ends up being the reason you transfer colleges (see below), go to grad school, and gives you a chance to live your dream of being a stay at home mommy.

6. Prom. Don't go to Ulta to get your hair and make up done. Don't do the rhinestone barrette. Pick a different dress. Do have a great time dancing with that cute guy that ends up being your husband. Do have an awesome time at the after party.

7. College. I am SO glad you didn't have any idea of the future. Go to OU, enjoy every second of it. Do the year of long distance - it will be tough but it shows that what you have is real. Transfer to A&M and have a blast. Get involved. Make lifelong friends. Learn all that you can.

8. Body Image. You aren't fat in high school. I repeat, you are NOT fat. Enjoy being able to eat whatever and not weigh more than 110 lbs. Mama misses those days...

All in all, high school was great, but don't be sad about leaving. College was amazing. Life after college is pretty darn awesome. Enjoy your time in each place. It goes by so fast.