
Monday, August 8, 2016

Ben's One Month Update

Weight: 10.5 lbs

Length: I'm going to guess 21 inches. he is so squirmy!

Diaper Size: Size One Diapers

Clothing Size: A few newborn but mostly 3 month clothes

Nicknames: Tiny, Benny Boo, Ben

Health: He is doing well! When Ben was born, they were concerned with his Bilirueben levels and we had to make 4 trips to the doctor's office to get blood drawn and weight measurements. Thankfully the levels never got high enough to be considered jaundice and we didn't have to use specialized lights.

Sleep: Ben sleeps a lot during the day, and usually wakes up at 1:00 AM, 4:00 AM, and then 7:00 AM. David takes the 1:00 AM feeding and I take the 4:00 AM feeding. Unfortunately, that is the time Ben likes to be awake and after his bottle, he usually gets the hiccups. I don't get to go back to sleep until around 5:30 AM--If I'm lucky. 

Diet: Formula. We nursed for the first four days and that was quite enough for me. I know a lot of people say "breast is best" and I agree, but formula is best for our family. With an extremely mobile 13 month old that does not yet know how to obey, nursing and/or pumping was going to be almost impossible. 

Loves: being held and cuddling, eating, and he does very well in his car seat

Dislikes: tummy time, sleeping at 4:00 AM!

Other Random Things:  Ben took his first road trip at two weeks old! We went to Belton/Salado for cousin Natalie's wedding and he was a champ on the road. Mom and Dad survived sleeping in a hotel room with two kiddos for one night. Luke had a sleepover with BeBe and Grandpa one night ;)

Luke has seemed to warm up to Ben a little bit. When Ben is in his bouncy seat or on the floor, Luke will walk over and gently touch (poke) him and then walk away. 

My two precious boys!

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