
Friday, September 21, 2012

Fabulous Friday!

It's finally Friday, and somehow I survived another week of school and work! I've been MIA for a while so I figured I would throw a bunch of things into one post.

1. David and I are officially homeowners! We signed the papers on Monday but we're not getting the keys until the end of the month... I promise I will make a huge post about the house and all its details as soon as I can get in there! Patience is not a strong point for me so this is going to be a long next week!

2. How is it already September 21st? I swear it was just Labor Day. Dang. On that note, 99 days until the wedding. 99 days of using the word "fiance" as many times as I can (I'm still not used to saying it!).

3. Tomorrow is game day in College Station, but it starts off with me running in my first 5k! I'm pretty excited about it! :)

4. *BRAG TIME* I completely dominated in Fantasy Football this week and ended up ranked first in the league (of all guys) might I add! This has never happened to me, and I doubt it ever will again, so I just had to slip this in here as documentation that my somewhat flawed way of choosing players because they're cute or have a cool last name worked for me this week!

There you have it. Thanks and Gig 'Em!

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